
Life's Journey

Social Work Services (SWS) staff are seasoned professionals, with significant life experience. They provide clients with practical and pragmatic approaches to respond to and cope with the challenges of changing physical and mental health needs, helping clients stay in their homes and maintaining their independence for as long as they desire and are realistically able to do so.

We help clients and families to:

Acknowledge - That the gift of aging also carries with it some changes in physical and mental health.

Adjust - Clients are helped to adjust to how they approach problem solving, strategizing new ways to accomplish old tasks.

Accommodate - Clients are assisted in integrating new solutions for life’s challenges, finding renewed joy in life.



Therapeutic counseling services via office, telehealth, home, independent and assisted living situations.

For SWS, the provision of counseling services is not limited to an office environment. Staff are able to provide services in the home, facility and/or via telehealth services based on the client’s needs and family situation. SWS has an Evergreen Certified Telehealth and Dementia Care Specialist on staff. The focus of therapy will be determined by the client, and often, may simply be working with his or her family members to recognize and adapt to changing physical and mental health needs. Working with them to identify goods and services which will allow the client to remain in the home or transition and adapt to alternate living environments. Seeking assistance from an objective third party allows clients and families to maintain loving and supportive relationships.


Supporting Mental Health Needs

Today’s climate is challenging. Everyday seems to bring a new host of issues to cope with for senior and younger adults. SWS has practical experience in handling many of those life issues and is experienced in journeying with you as you navigate the emotional turmoil that often surrounds them.

Help you transition or remain in your home

As an empty nester, a person now living alone, or person(s) having difficulty managing the physical requirements of living independently may be burdensome. Staff of SWS are seasoned professionals with a wide range of knowledge. We can help you identify resources that allow you to remain in your own home or work with you to transition to alternative arrangements. Families are assisted through this journey as well, allowing them to remain in the role of loving support to their family members.

“I think having a person to talk to; a sounding board is a great idea for anyone, and with all the changes and trials we go through by the time we are in our 70’s and living alone, it has been extremely helpful and a positive thing for me. Life, i.e., the Pandemic, the political conflict, and just the state of our world makes it an extra good thing to be able to talk to an objective party. Ideas are exchanged and we can see things in a new light! I am Human, when I make mistakes, I can forgive myself and move forward!”

BJ in Oklahoma City
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